Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility at Castle Nursery, and concerns any incidences of suspected abuse, such as physical, emotional, sexual, or neglect.
All of our staff have fully up-to-date DBS certification allowing them to work with children, and our safeguarding designated people are Sonia Wozencroft, Claudia Hamminger-Stone, Mat Bromley and Sarah Bromley.
If you have any reason whatsoever to suspect a child is being mistreated, you can speak to any of these staff members.
If you believe a child is being mistreated whilst in our care by a member of staff, and you do not think it appropriate to communicate this to the setting directly, you can contact the Front Door Team at Warwickshire Children’s services’ (previously MASH, the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub), on 10926 414144, who will investigate any incidences of abuse.
Alternatively, if you are unable to get through to this organisation you can report incidences of alleged abuse directly to the police.